
«The Stolen Princess» at the VII International Festival «Book Arsenal»: results

«The Stolen Princess» at the VII International Festival «Book Arsenal»: results
23 May 2017

From May 17 to May 21, the international festival "Book Arsenal" passed in Kiev. Animagrad animation studio (FILM UA Group) and Glowberry production (FILM UA Group) took part in the festival for the first time.

On Sunday, on May 21, Film Hall No. 1 hosted a presentation of animation features from Animagrad studio. For the first time, the audience saw new episodes from The Stolen Princess cartoon to be premiered in Ukraine and internationally on March 7, 2018. Egor Olesov, project producer, told about ongoing work, answered the viewers’ questions and shared international successes of the project. 

The main award for Animagrad team was an energetic and very warm reaction to all presented materials, a wealth of questions and genuine interest spurred by princess Mila among the youngest audience.

FYI: Ukrainian animated feature The Stolen Princess is the first in Animagrad animation studio’s production slate of animated features intended for international market. It has been already pre-sold to China, South Korea, France and French-speaking territories in Europe, Poland, Bulgaria, Israel, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as countries of the Middle East and North Africa.