
The Stronghold, The Stolen Princess and What Is Your Name? participate in Ukrainian Cinema Days project

The Stronghold, The Stolen Princess and What Is Your Name? participate in Ukrainian Cinema Days project
10 October 2018

On October 10, Ukrainian Cinema Days project starts; it is implemented by Molodist International Film Festival with the support of the Ministry for Information Policy. The goal of this initiative is to familiarize with contemporary films the residents of those Ukrainian cities which have no cinemas.

During the recent year, Ukrainian cinema has seen a true Renaissance. Ukrainian films are successfully released on Ukrainian and European cinema screens and win prizes at major festivals.

However, watching premieres of new Ukrainian films is mostly available to residents of big cities only. There are only 500 cinema halls and less than 200 cinemas in Ukraine. This is an extremely small amount which doesn’t cover even a half of the country’s population.

The main project goal is to draw attention to the lack of cinemas in small Ukrainian towns. Now, when local authorities have obtained an opportunity to distribute funds themselves, this should facilitate the establishment of new cinema halls. Molodist IFF will show how assembly halls of local culture houses can be transformed into professional cinema halls. All the necessary equipment will be brought: a big screen with a beamer, equipment for demonstration of films in digital format, professional sound, etc.

Implementation of Molodist IFF initiative will start from two towns in the west of Ukraine, Beregove (Zakarpatska region) and Storozhynets (Chernivtsi region). Later, it is planned to encompass all regions of the country.  

In the framework of the project the audience will be able to see the following films produced by FILM.UA Group:

-  The Stronghold (produced by Kinorob, directed by Yuriy Kovalyov, 2017)

-  What Is Your Name? (produced by FILM.UA, directed by Iryna Gromozda and Svitlana Zaloga, 2018)

-  The Stolen Princess (produced by Animagrad, directed by Oleg Malamuzh, 2018)

Besides, the lineup will include other Ukrainian films: Cyborgs, Thank You and Foreign Prayer.

Detailed screening schedule:

Beregovo (Beregovo house of culture)

Cyborgs October 10 17:00 

The Stolen Princess October 11 13:00

Thank You, What Is Your Name October 12 15:00

The Stronghold October 13 15:00

Foreign Prayer October 14 15:00

Storozhynets (District house of national cultures)

Foreign Prayer October 16 18:00

Cyborgs October 17 19:00

Thank You, What Is Your Name October 18 19:00

The Stolen Princess October 19 13:00

The Stronghold October 20 15:00