
The Stolen Princess Ukrainian animation film released in Vietnam and the Middle East countries

The Stolen Princess Ukrainian animation film released in Vietnam and the Middle East countries
13 April 2018

This week, theatrical distribution of The Stolen Princess (Animagrad, FILM.UA Group) began in Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar, Oman and Bahrein, and starting from today the film is shown in Vietnam.  

Before the release, Vietnam distributing company Saigon Movies Media distribution initiated a wide-scale advertising campaign of the animated film. Two official posters, character cards, and the cartoon’s second trailer were translated into Vietnamese. 

The distributor actively communicates with the local media; its Internet platforms and big cinema chains started a digital campaign the results of which demonstrated the significant interest of the audience. For social networks, the distributing company created a series of funny viral images based on official arts, visuals, and stills from the film.  

The distributor in the Middle East countries is the affiliated company of Walt Disney Studios, Italia film. In Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrein the film is screened in English with subtitles.

The following country of The Stolen Princess international distribution will be Lithuania: Ukrainian animated film will be shown there starting from April 27. In May, the animated film will be available to the audiences in Latvia, Serbia, and the Czech Republic; in summer, to those in Israel, Estonia, Poland, Slovenia, and South Korea. 

Presently the distribution of The Stolen Princess is ongoing in Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In total, the cartoon has been pre-sold to more than 50 countries, including France, Germany, countries of the Middle East, South Africa, Asia, and Latin America.