
First FILM.UA Group Participation in 7th Book Arsenal International Festival With Great Screenings Program

First FILM.UA Group Participation in 7th Book Arsenal International Festival With Great Screenings Program
18 May 2017

7th Book Arsenal international festival will be the first one for FILM.UA Group, which will present its projects at this signature event for Ukraine. The exhibition visitors will be offered five fascinating events joined into Great Screenings program. These events will be dedicated to studio projects based on literary works. We’ll also be awaiting you at our stand in the exhibition pavilion with books and souvenirs from FILM.UA Group companies.

The exhibition visitors will find out the way Mom Hurries Home project made it from a book to a series and watch its pilot episode; talk about the basics of children’s healthy eating with Valeriy Sozanovsky, The Cake brand chef and co-founder; attend a presentation of working materials for feature films The Stronghold, Mavka. The Forest Song, and The Stolen Princess. We hope for wide and fruitful discussion about contemporary screenings of Ukrainian literature.   

“The studio plans to screen both contemporary and classic literary works by Ukrainian authors. They have a lot of characters which are very close to us: they don’t just suffer or nurse gloomy thoughts but instead act and change the world around them. We are convinced that both Ukrainian readers and viewers need such characters.  Contemporary interpretation of classic writers as well as screenings of the best contemporary works are of national importance. And we hope that our huge plans will be supported by wide audience and become an important part of Ukrainian Renaissance, which is now happening in our culture and is hard to ignore,” says Polina Tolmacheva, FILM.UA Group marketing director.

At our B2.1 stand the exhibition visitors will be able to purchase a special edition of The Stronghold, a novella by Vladimir Rutkovsky with film poster cover; it is a special edition from A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA to honor the coming premiere of the first Ukrainian fantasy film about superheroes on October 12. We also offer Felix Austria, a novel by Sofia Andrukhovych (published by Staryi Lev) with the author’s autograph; the studio started work on its screening in the end of the previous year. Now the project is in development. Besides, the visitors can purchase a contemporary edition of The Forest Song (Osnovy publishing house) by Lesya Ukrainka, which is used as the basis for Animagrad’s feature animation strip Mavka. The Forest Song, and books by Bohdan Kolomiychuk – they were used for the plot of Lemberg series. The stand will also present the books of Glowberry publishing house specializing in children’s literature, including Mom Hurries Home, a book by Svetlana Dorosheva, which became the basis for the animation series now in production. Besides, you can find MediaBook professional series there – specialized literature on TV and film production published by Media Resources Management.

On May 20 from 1:30 till 3:00 PM Farby hall will host a panel discussion entitled Contemporary Screenings of Ukrainian Literature: What Do Filmmakers and  Writers Have in Common? The discussion organizer is Ukrainian Film Association with the support of Film Business international conference. All Book Arsenal visitors will be able to obtain a detailed program of events at the stand and also ask the speakers questions. The stand will be constantly attended to by studio representatives who will provide all the necessary information.  

Interview slots, as well as possibilities to interact with the event speakers and guests, have been organized for the press.

Book Arsenal takes place every year on the territory of Mystetsky Arsenal cultural center and unites people of literature and arts. On May 17-21, the festival will present new books from over 150 publishing houses as well as hundreds of author and theme events.

Program of events from FILM.UA Group: 

MAY 19

6:00 – 6:45 PM. Hall of Painted Stories. Specifically for Book Arsenal to organize presentation “From The Book to the Series”, Glowberry publishing house organized a trip to Ukraine for Svetlana Dorosheva, a well-known illustrator and author of the story in Mom Hurries Home. For the last eight years Svetlana has been living in Israel, creating amazing illustrations for publishing houses all over the world, and writing books about her three sons. Olga Cherepanova, Glowberry creative director, and Yevgeny Alekhin, cartoon director, will tell about Mom Hurries Home making it from a book to a series. A pilot episode will be screened.

MAY 20

11:00  11:45 AM.  Film Hall No. 1: presentation of working materials for The Stronghold feature film with the participation of producer Egor Olesov, director Yuriy Kovalyov and screenwriter Yaroslav Voytseshek.

11:00  11:45 AM. Papir [Paper] Hall: presentation of a new book Always Delicious!  (produced by Glowberry) by Valeriy Sozanovsky, brand chef and co-founder of The Cake restaurant, and Tatyana Bondarchuk, founder of Eat Easy Company. Open discussion about healthy eating for children. 

1:30  3:00 PM. Farby [Paints] hall: discussion entitled “Contemporary Screenings of Ukrainian Literature: What Do Filmmakers and Writers Have in Common?” organized by Ukrainian Film Association with the support of Film Business international conference.  FILM.UA Group will be represented by authors of the following films: Felix Austria, The Stronghold, Zakhar Berkut, and Mavka. The Forest Song.

MAY 21

12:00  12:45 PM.  Film Hall No. 1: presentation of working materials for animated films Mavka. The Forest Song and The Stolen Princess by their producers Irina Kostyuk, Anna Eliseeva, and Egor Olesov.